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5 reasons why the booking widget is a must for your salon

April 12, 2021 — Amber

Last spring we launched our brand new booking widget and many customers have already seen it up and running on their website or Facebook page! In addition to the new design, the widget also has new useful features that will look great on your salon website. Not convinced yet about our new booking widget? Then read on for the many benefits and who knows, you might also set it up for your website (which is super easy, by the way!).

The new booking widget has many advantages over its predecessor. You can now show descriptions of treatments, place photos of employees, the widget shows a summary of the chosen services and it is fully optimized for mobile use!

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1. More bookings for your services

If you are not using online appointments yet, what are you waiting for! 52% of bookings are made outside opening hours. The advantage of the booking widget is that it is online on your website. This makes it possible to receive new bookings 24/7. Without even doing anything! And perhaps the biggest advantage of all is that you can focus completely on your clients without being interrupted by phone calls or messages.

Customers have the freedom to choose a date and time that fits their calendar as well as yours. The appointment is booked instantly without waiting for a confirmation from the salon. In addition, the customer can choose his or her preferred employee. And upon confirmation of the appointment, you have all the customer's contact information, which makes it easier to schedule a follow-up appointment. All of this leads to more scheduled bookings!

2. Everything automated

We’re very aware that as a salon owner you have your hands full managing your salon. Our software tries to take over as many tasks as possible when it comes to agenda management and administration. Clients who make an appointment via the booking widget on your website automatically receive a confirmation e-mail and a reminder e-mail. This way, your customer has all the information about the appointment in one place. And you don't have to worry about a thing.

3. Intuitive and super easy to use for your customers

In addition to being a visual gem that exudes professionalism, the new booking widget is intuitive and super easy to use. With just a few clicks, the customer selects the desired service, date and time and the appointment is immediately confirmed by filling in the personal details. Easy peasy!

4. Prevents annoying no-shows

As we mentioned earlier, making an appointment via the booking widget is fully automated. This means that customers automatically receive a confirmation if the appointment was successful. They will be reminded of their appointment when it is almost due. This confirmation and reminder help prevent no-shows. Still a no-show? Then you at least have proof that the appointment was made under the accepted conditions by the customer and you can charge a cancellation fee if you want to. This way you reduce the chance of no-shows in the future.

5. Completely in line with the style of your website

The eye wants something too! With the new design of the appointment widget, it is possible to personalize the colour of the widget. By entering the colour code you can match the colour of your website. This way it is perfectly in line with the style of your website.

Putting the booking widget on your website

We wrote a help article to get you started on replacing your current booking widget with the new booking widget. It also explains how to do this for WordPress and Wix websites.

It doesn’t work like you want it to? Feel free to call our Support team. They are more than willing to help you set up the new booking widget!

Amber Provoost

Content Marketing Lead

Amber loves 90's dance classics, craft beers and radiant light shows. As part of the Growth Marketing team, she likes to inspire you through captivating copy and loves to share all her knowledge with you on her blogs.

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