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Salonized update: 2-Factor Authentication - what is it and why should I use it?

June 27, 2022 — Amber

The new update of Salonized allows you to use two-factor authentication to better secure your account.

When it comes to creating passwords, we are generally not very creative. We often use one password for multiple accounts. But can you blame us? It’s easy to remember and it saves you time. It’s just not that secure.

Despite the fact that we all know the consequences of a hacked account, we still go for convenience.

For this reason we introduce 2-factor authentication. This is in addition to logging in with your username and password an extra security step to make the login process safer. It is like an extra lock on the door of your account.

In this blog I’ll go over:

  • Why do I need to use 2-factor authentication?
  • Why does Salonized use authentication?
  • How do I set up 2-factor authentication?

Why do I need to use 2-factor authentication?

That extra lock on the online door of your Salonized account confirms that the person logging into your account is really you.

This makes it more difficult for cybercriminals to hack into your account and misuse the stolen data. ### Why does Salonized use authentication?

The data in your account is private and confidential. That's why we think it's important that you trust us to handle this information safely. By enabling authentication, you are ensuring this piece of security more than just using a username and password.

How do I set up 2-factor authentication?

First you enter your username and password. Then, instead of getting instant access to your account, you'll be asked to enter an additional code.

When the feature is enabled, you must enter verification along with your password every time you log in to your Salonized account. It's easy and it protects your account even better.

There are two ways to receive the verification code:

  • Via code you receive by SMS, when you choose this option we ask you to enter your phone number in your account.
  • Via a verification app: download a verification app to retrieve the code. We recommend the Google Authenticator app.

Download the app for Apple

Download the app for Android

Set up the 2-factor authentication in Salonized

» Open the Salonized app and click on your profile icon at the top right.

» Click on 'Edit profile':

enter image description here

» You can see the 2-factor authentication settings here. Click on 'Enable':

enter image description here

» Choose your preferred verification method (SMS or verification app) and follow the steps on this screen:

enter image description here

Your Salonized account is now secured. Do you encounter problems or do you wish to enable verification on an employee level? Consult our help articles:

Troubleshooting Verification on employee level

Amber Provoost

Content Marketing Lead

Amber loves 90's dance classics, craft beers and radiant light shows. As part of the Growth Marketing team, she likes to inspire you through captivating copy and loves to share all her knowledge with you on her blogs.

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