Save yourself administration effort by managing all your prepaid cards online. Easily create a new prepaid card in the register and accept it as payment . Keep an eye on the status of each prepaid card from your cash register or customer profiles. Make use of prepaid cards and see your customers more often!
Keeping track of all your payments and prepaid cards can be very time consuming. Our salon software allows you to get a clear overview of your register where you can easily see how many prepaid cards have been sold as well as the status of each one. Updates happen automatically and the information can be accessed with a single click.
Has a customer ever lost or forgot to bring their prepaid card? No problem. With the prepaid card feature, you can easily prevent these issues. Simply create your prepaid cards digitally. Once created and paid for, the customer can now simply use his prepaid card as preferred payment method. The treatments will be subtracted from the prepaid card straight away and all information is updated automatically.
Often times, a client receives a discount if they purchase a prepaid card. This could be a discount of 10%, 6 treatments for the price of 5, or perhaps a free product after the prepaid limit is reached. These offers are easily created with Salonized. Decide on the offer name, the amount, corresponding price, and you’re ready to go.
How many prepaid cards have been sold? Which prepaid cards are still valid? How many treatments are still available for use? Our solution gives you an overview of the prepaid cards that shows all the information you need: the date on which the prepaid card was sold, the amount of (remaining) treatments and the corresponding invoices. Everything at one glance. This can also be found within your customer profiles.